About Dr. Cady

Dr. Cady's Mission
My mission (or so-called prescription) as the Challenge Doctor is to I.C.E.: Inspire, Challenge, and Educate on the wildfire of the PAINDEMIC™ along with the importance of challenging your mind and body for more optimal health and wellness (which can be considered the antiPAIN Lifestyle).
Whether trying to role model a healthier lifestyle or explaining approaches to health issues to patients, I feel compelled to make a difference.
After working in the medical field, you learn to appreciate that much of what we must contend with in life is stress. When we are not taught the skills to address stress in a healthy way, we can manifest some type of symptom, whether it is increased weight, anxiety, interpersonal relationship problems, alcoholism, chain smoking, and sometimes pain. Those choices and behaviors can become habits that never seem to go away. Unfortunately, they can have negative consequences on our health and our happiness.
For so many years, there were several habits for which I never gave myself credit. One of those was being physically active. As I was reaching my 40’s, I began to really appreciate and acknowledge that my “little” choices sustained over time have enabled me to avoid the obesity that is found in many family members. The little things really do matter, and I try to help others recognize that they do not need to do extreme things to make progress.
Through my clinical work, I realized I had very little time in my work setting to educate patients about their multiple health issues. Known as the “Challenge Doctor," I started to voice my views online via my personal page (www.challengedoctor.com) in order to help people realize that they can create positive change by challenging themselves.
Ironically, challenge can present itself in life in so many ways, whether physical or emotional. There are many forms of stress including depression, anxiety, addictions, guilt, loss of one's limb, loss of a loved one, a new medical diagnosis, relationship challenges, lack of connection, or a new demand overwhelming one's already difficult circumstances. They are all important and how we view them and approach them are critically important.
The one challenge that felt near and dear to me was chronic pain—although as I see it now, it is all just pain. It was then that I realized I should write my first book, PAINDEMIC: A Practical and Holistic Look at Chronic Pain, the Medical System, and the antiPAIN Lifestyle.
My mission has extended into creating a community for those who suffer or are challenged by pain—hence, PAIN OUT LOUD (PainOutLoud.com). By hearing healing stories from those who have found a way to feel better and by learning from the myriad of pain professionals who are staunch patient advocates, it is my deepest desire that they find some direction, assistance, and hope for less pain and more joy in life.
As my online work continued, I realized that the stresses and challenges of life and the medical system in particular is taking a devastating toll on my physician colleagues. With nearly 400 physician suicides a year, it became clear that myself and another physician-friend out of Oregon needed to highlight the mindsets, skills, and strategies that are important for every human (including physicians) to develop. We have launched a podcast called The Changed Physician—you can learn more at TheChangedPhysician.com.
There will be more to come...in an effort to deliver positive change in this world of challenges.
Board Certifications:
- Anesthesiology
- American Board of Anesthesiology
- May 2009-December 2029
- Pain Medicine
- American Board of Anesthesiology
- September 2009-December 2029
Post-Graduate Training:
- Pain Medicine Fellowship
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- San Antonio, TX
- September 2008-August 2009
- Anesthesiology Residency
- University Health Systems & Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital
- San Antonio, TX
- July 2005-June 2008
- Internal Medicine Internship (Residency Categorical Year)
- Scott & White Hospital
- Temple, TX
- July 2004-June 2005
- General Surgery Internship
- University Health Systems & Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital
- San Antonio, TX
- July 2003-June 2004
- Subspecialty training: Vascular, Surgical Oncology, Plastic, Orthopedic, Cardiothoracic, Radiology, Urology, & Trauma Surgery
- Doctor of Osteopathy Degree (D.O.), 1999-2003
- University of North Texas Health Science Center, TX College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Ranked 12th out of 108 graduating medical students
- Bachelor of Sciences in Microbiology, Cum Laude, 1992-1996
- University of Texas at Austin, College of Natural Sciences
- Dean’s List, 1993-1996
- Plano Senior High School, 1992 graduate
- Ranked 10th out of 1,261 seniors
Additional Training:
- Institute for Functional Medicine, Immune Advanced Practice Module, 16.75 hrs (February 2020, Rancho Mirage, CA)
- Institute for Functional Medicine, Immune Advanced Practice Module, 17 hrs (January 2020, Rancho Mirage, CA)
- World of Hurt: A Guide to Classifying Pain Overview Course, 14.75 hrs (December 1-2, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico)
- Institute for Functional Medicine, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, 34.5 hrs (September 2017, Dallas, Texas)
- The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, Part B: Cervical & Thoracic Spine, 26 hrs (May 2017, Portland, Oregon)
- The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy, Part A: Lumbar Spine, 26 hrs (December 2016, Austin, Texas)
- Building the Ultimate Back & Stu McGill Clinical Protocols, 24 hrs (April 2015, Winnipeg, Canada)
- Selective Functional Movement Assessment & Functional Movement Screening Certification Courses, Greg Rose, DC, 15 hrs (December 2014, Dallas, Texas)
- Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology Part IV Simulation Course 8 hrs (November 2014, Aurora, Colorado)
- Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Practical Board Review, Daniel Clearfield, DO, 7 hrs (March 2013, Austin, Texas)
- Nominee, Anesthesiologist of the Year, Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, March 2014
- Fittest Doctor in Austin, Fit Company Competition, 2013
- Fittest Doctor in San Antonio, Fit Company Competition, 2012
- Fittest Doctor Runner-Up in Austin, Fit Company Competition, 2012
- Critical Care Award for Best Performance, 2007-2008
- Acute Pain Service Award for Outstanding Performance, 2007-2008
- Essentials of Pain Management: Principles and Practice Program, Scholarship Recipient, May 2008
- Outstanding Contribution to Resident Education Award, 2006-2007, UTHSCSA Anesthesiology
- District II TOMA and G.W. Tompson Medical School Scholarships, Spring 2002
- William G. Anderson D.O. Medical School Scholarship Recipient, October 2001
- “Most Outstanding Student Leader of the Year” Award, April 2001
- Golden Brain Award (highest grade in nervous system course), 2000
- Texas Academic Honors Achievement Award – 5 year undergraduate scholarship
- Chief Medical Officer, Radiant Pain Relief Centres, Portland, Oregon, since 2019
- Anesthesiology Preceptor for Medical Student, April-May 2019
- Paindemic Summit, Free online pain education series, December 3-7, 2018
- June 21-28, 2017 – Ultimate Health Summit (Online by Unbounded Potential Empowerment) Featured Speaker re: Chronic Pain
- Advisory Board Member, Mayor’s Health & Fitness Council, Austin, TX, 2013-2014
- AOA Mentor-Mentee Program Participant, 2012-2014
- Speaker of medicine, including osteopathy, for University of Texas at Austin Clubs, 2012-2016
- “Tape & Shards: Should We Care or Disregard?” 2007-2008 Senior Research Project
- Project Bear Hug Coordinator, 2007-2009
- Graduate Medical Education Committee Resident Appointment for UTHSC at San Antonio, 2008
- Resident Working Environment Subcommittee for UTHSC at San Antonio, 2008
- “Fatal Aortic Injury…” poster presentation at ASA Convention, October 15, 2007
- Malignant Hyperthermia presentations to perioperative nurses (2006, 2011)
- “Residents as Teachers” presentation assistant at UTHSCSA resident orientation, 2003
- Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) Class Vice President, 2001-2003
- National Youth Leadership Forum in Medicine, Houston Faculty Advisor, Summer 2001
- Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2003, Treasurer 2000-2001
- American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer, 1997-2001
- Elementary Bilingual (Spanish) Substitute Teacher, Plano ISD, July 2000
Professional Organizations (previous/current):
- New Zealand Pain Society, Member
- Australian Pain Society, Member
- Texas Osteopathic Medical Association—District 7, Secretary-Treasurer
- Texas Society of Anesthesiologists, Member
- American Osteopathic Association, Member
- American Society of Anesthesiologists, Member
- Texas Pain Society, Prior Member
- North American Spine Society, Prior Member
Prior Presentations:
- January 26, 2020, "Humor & Pain," Co-Presentation with Corey Jackson, Oregon Pain Summit; Corvallis, Oregon
- September 16, 2019, "Addressing the Paindemic with the Modern Science of Pain,” Hartnell College of Nursing; Salinas, California
- August 10, 2019, "Addressing the Paindemic with Modern Pain Science," Health Fair; Smithville, Texas
- May 5, 2019 - "The Value of Pain Stories" Co-Presentation with Jonathan Haag, RN at the Arizona Physical Therapy Conference , Phoenix, Arizona
- March 8-10, 2019 -"Moving as a Team" Co-Presentations with OT, PT, & Psychiatrist, "Moving Pain" Align Conference, Denver, Colorado
- January 25, 2019 - "The Non-Pharmacologic Logic of Treating Pain" Co-Presentation with Mark Milligan, DPT at the Combined Section Meeting - American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, DC
- December 13, 2017 - 3 Myths about PAIN, Walk With a Doc, Brentwood Park, Austin, TX
- September 21, 2016 – Retreat Inside Out, “Addressing the Paindemic,” Wichita, Kansas
- April 9, 2016 – 10 Myths about PAIN, BookPeople, Austin, TX
- March 13, 2016 - 10 Myths about PAIN, The Bookworm, Omaha, Nebraska
- February 2, 2016 - PAINDEMIC presentation to Campbell University Medical Students & Public, Barnes & Noble, Buies Creek, NC
- June 18, 2015 - Overcoming Our PAINDEMIC: The antiPAIN Lifestyle, Texas Comptroller’s Annual Wellness Fair “Inside Out,” Austin, Texas
- June 13, 2015 - Osteopathic Techniques for Low Back Pain, Austin Fitness Clinic, Texas
- April 27, 2015 - The Medical Journey: An Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective, Kappa Rho Pre-Medical Honor Society, Austin, Texas
- November 19, 2014 - Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective on Medicine, University of Texas Women in Medicine Club, Austin, Texas
- March 27, 2013 - Inflammation: An Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective, Texas Comptroller’s Office, Austin, Texas
- February 13, 2013 - Osteopathic Physician’s Perspective on Medicine, University of Texas Women in Medicine Club, Austin, Texas
- February 8, 2013 - Obesity Counseling: How to Code for It?, Texas Osteopathic Medical Association Mid-Winter Conference, Dallas, Texas
- October 20, 2012- Protein Solutions: How to Get the Needed Protein with Parkinson’s Disease, Austin, Texas
- April 2011 - Malignant Hyperthermia, to Nursing Personnel, Austin, Texas
- April 21, 2010 - Obesity and Gastric Bypass, Anesthesiology Department, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- August 27, 2009 - Brachial Plexus Injuries: Diagnosis and Treatment, Pain Medicine Department, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- May 2008 - Malignant Hyperthermia, to Nursing Personnel, San Antonio, Texas